千葉大学 情報学研究院 塩田研究室
Publication List
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  • 学術論文
    1. S. Shioda and K. Nakano, "Inequalities between time and customer averages for HNB(W)UE arrival processes," Journal of Applied Probability, vol. 61, no. 4, 2024 (to appear).
    2. S. Shiraki, S. Shioda, and T. Matsuda, "Sensor response-based localization using spatial correlation of nongeotagged data," IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 24, issue 3, pp. 3788-3796, 2024.
    3. A.K. Nugroho, S. Shioda, T. Kim, "Optimal Resource Provisioning and Task Offloading for Network-Aware and Federated Edge Computing," Sensors, vol, 23, 2023.
    4. K. Takahashi and S. Shioda, "Distributed congestion control method for sending safety messages to vehicles at a set target distance," Annals of Telecommunications (published on line).
    5. S. Shioda and D. Kato, "Distribution of consensus in a broadcast-based consensus algorithm with random initial opinions," Journal of Applied Probability, vol. 60, issue 4, pp. 1416-1438, 2023.
    6. S. Shiraki and S. Shioda, "Contact information-based indoor pedestrian localization using bluetooth low energy beacons," IEEE Access, Vol. 10, pp. 119863-119874, 2022.
    7. S. Shioda and K. Takehara, "Ergodicity of time reversal process of stochastic consensus formation and its application," ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review, vol. 49, issue 2, pp. 12-14, 2022.
    8. D. Katoh and S. Shioda, "Probability laws of consensus in a broadcast-based consensus-forming algorithm," Stochastic Models, vol. 38, issue 1, pp. 91-115, 2022.
    9. S. Shiraki,Y. Ohashi, T. Uehara, S. Shioda, "Verification of error-increasing factors by sensor response-based localization technology through real device experiments," IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 101729-101740, 2021.
    10. 白木詩乃,大橋優人, 上原拓大, 塩田茂雄, "実世界センシングに向けたセンサ応答ベースの位置推定技術の実機検証," 電子情報通信学会論文誌, Vol.J104-B, No.7, pp.606-608, 2021.
    11. S. Shioda, "Distribution of consensus in a broadcast-based consensus-forming algorithm," ACM Performance Evaluaion Review, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 91-96, 2020.
    12. S. Shioda, K. Nakajima, and M. Minamikawa, "Information spread across social network services with non-responsiveness of individual users," Computers, vol. 9, no.3, 65, 2020.
    13. S. Shioda, "Coupon subset collection problem with quotas," Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability, vol. 23, pp. 1203-1235, 2021.
    14. 李想, 塩田茂雄, "フレーム送信時間の異なる端末が混在するIEEE802.11無線LANの性能評価手法," 電子情報通信学会論文誌, Vol. J102-B, No. 1, 2019.
    15. X. Li, Y. Narita, Y. Gotoh, and S. Shioda, "Performance Analysis of IEEE 802.11 DCF Based on a Macroscopic State Description," IEICE Trans. Commun., Vol. E101-B, No. 8, pp.1923-1932, 2018.
    16. I. Moscholios, M. Logothetis, and S. Shioda, "Performance evaluation of multirate loss systems supporting cooperative users with a probabilistic behavior," IEICE Trans. Commun., vol.E100-B, No. 10, pp.1778-1788, 2017.
    17. Y. Wan, K. Sanada, N. Komuro, G. Motoyoshi, N. Yamagaki, S. Shioda, S. Sakata, T. Murase, and H. Sekiya, "Throughput analysis of WLANs in saturation and non-saturation heterogeneous conditions with airtime concept," IEICE Trans. Commun. vol. E99-B, no. 11, 2016.
    18. 日下 美穂, 塩田 茂雄, "屋内電波伝搬特性解析におけるレイトレーシング法の高速化," 電子情報通信学会論文誌 J98-B, no.7, pp.654-663, 2015.
    19. H. Saito and S. Shioda, "Parameter estimation method for time-variant target object using randomly deployed sensors and its application to participatory sensing," IEEE Trans. Mobile Computing, vol. 14, no. 6, pp. 1259-1271, 2015.
    20. S. Shioda and M. Yoshihara, "Markov Property of Correlated Random Networks and its Application to the Analysis of the Internet Topologies," Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications, IEICE (NOLTA) vol. 6, no. 2 pp. 237-251, 2015.
    21. チュンマニ プーヴィエン, 相馬 知哉, 塩田 茂雄, "非構造型P2Pシステムにおける指向性ランダムウォーク検索," 電子情報通信学会論文誌, vol. J98-B, no. 2, pp. 132-140, 2015.
    22. S. Shioda, "Localizing sensors from their responses to targets," IEICE Trans. Commun., vol. E98-B, no. 1, pp. 145-152, 2015.
    23. S. Shioda, "Random-walk-based biased sampling for data collection on communication networks," ACM Performance Evaluation Review, vol. 42, issue 2, 2014.
    24. S. Shioda, "Fundamental trade-offs between resource separation and resource share for QoS guarantees," IET Networks, vol. 3, no. 1, pp.4-15, 2014.
    25. A. Takahashi, N. Komuro, S. Sakata, S. Shioda, and T. Murase, "Flow control scheme using adaptive receiving opportunity control for wireless multi-hop networks," IEICE Trans. Commun., vol. E95-B, no. 9, pp.2751-2758, 2012.
    26. 黄重陽, 塩田茂雄, "マルコフ連鎖と待ち行列モデルを組み合わせた無線LAN用性能評価モデル," 電子情報通信学会論文誌, vol. J95-B, no. 2, pp. 119-129, 2012.
    27. 高瀬琢磨, 小室信喜, 阪田史郎, 塩田茂雄, 村瀬勉, 関屋大雄, "無線マルチホップネットワークにおけるトークン生成レートに基づくQoS 保証のための受信機会制御方式," 電子情報通信学会論文誌, vol. J95-B, no. 2, pp. 188-198, 2012.
    28. H. Saito, S. Shimogawa, S. Tanaka, and S. Shioda, "Estimating parameters of multiple heterogeneous target objects using composite sensor nodes," IEEE Trans. Mobile Computing, vol. 11, no.1, pp. 125-138, 2012.
    29. 山下賢也, 塩田茂雄, 斎藤洋, "センサ密度が未知のバイナリセンサネットワークによる対象物形状推定," 電子情報通信学会論文誌, vol. J95-D, no. 1, pp. 54-66, 2012.
    30. H. Saito, S. Shioda, and S. Tanaka, "Stochastic geometric filter and its application to shape estimation for target objects," IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol. 59, no. 10, pp. 4971-4984, 2011.
    31. 高橋淳, 小室信喜, 阪田史郎, 塩田茂雄, 村瀬勉, "無線マルチホップメッシュネットワークにおける受信機会制御プロトコルを用いる流量制御方式," 電子情報通信学会論文誌, Vol. J93-B, No. 8, 2011.
    32. H. Saito, S. Tanaka, and S. Shioda, "Parameter estimation for non-convex target object using networked binary sensors," IEICE Trans. Inf. & Syst., vol.E94-D no.4 pp. 772-785, 2011.
    33. S. Shioda and S. Namiki, "Fundamental studies on ultra-high-speed optical LAN using optical circuit switching," Photonic Network Communications, vol. 19, pp. 32-41, 2010.
    34. 中村和弘, 原田淳子,塩田茂雄, "Havel-Hakimiの定理を用いた次数列を再現するネットワークの構成法とその特徴," 電子情報通信学会論文誌A, vol. J92-A, no.9, pp. 604-612, 2009.
    35. S. Shioda and K. Nakamura, "Scale-free property of directed networks with two intrinsic node weights," Physica A, vol. 388, issue 15, pp. 3249-3260, 2009.
    36. J. Harada, S. Shioda, and H. Saito, "Path coverage properties of randomly deployed sensors with finite data-transmission ranges," Computer Networks, vol. 53, no. 7, pp. 1014-1026, 2009.
    37. T. Murase, K. Uchiyama, Y. Hirano, S. Shioda and S. Sakata, "MAC-frame receiving opportunity control for flow QoS in wireless LANs" IEICE Trans. Commun., vol. E92-B, no. 1, pp.102-113, 2009.
    38. S. Shioda, "Loss bounds for a finite capacity queue based on interval-wise traffic observation," Queueing Systems, vol. 60, no. 1-2, pp. 153-170, 2008.
    39. H. Saito, S. Shioda, and J. Harada, "Application of insensitivity analysis of coverage processes to wireless sensor networks," IEICE Trans. Commun., vol. E91-B, no. 12, pp. 3937-3944, 2008.
    40. S. Shioda, K. Ohtsuka, and T. Sato, "An efficient network-wide broadcasting based on hop-limited shortest-path trees," Computer Networks, vol. 52, pp. 3284-3295, 2008.
    41. S. Shioda, K. Ohtsuka, and F. Machihara, "A finite population model and product-form approximation for cellular mobile systems with traveling users," Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan, vol. 50, no. 4, pp. 404-427, 2007.
    42. S. Itou, K. Uchiyama, and S. Shioda, "Fixed-period packet sampling and its application to flow rate estimation," IEICE Trans. Commun., vol. E90-B, no. 10, pp. 2673-2682, 2007.
    43. S. Shioda, "Performance bounds for feedforward queueing networks with upper-constrained inputs," Performance Evaluation, vol. 64, no. 7-8, pp. 782-801, 2007.
    44. S. Shioda, "Some upper and lower bounds on the coupon collector problem," Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, vol. 200, no. 1, pp. 154-167, 2007.
    45. 大塚憲治, 石原田久, 塩田茂雄, "リンクカットを用いたフラッディング効率化手法の提案," 電子情報通信学会論文誌, vol. J89-B, no. 4, pp. 532-542, 2006.
    46. S. Shioda and K. Ohtani, "Estimating the source-destination traffic matrix of a VPN from access-link loads," Computer Communications, vol. 29, no. 18, pp. 3663-3678, 2006.
    47. 石井大介, 塩田茂雄, "キューシミュレーション機能を利用した実時間要求帯域推定法の提案," 電子情報通信学会論文誌, vol. J88-B, no. 8, pp. 1381-1392, 2005.
    48. S. Shioda and D. Ishii, "Monotonicity results for single-server finite-capacity queues with respect to directionally convex order," Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 369-393, 2004.
    49. 八木敬宏, 塩田茂雄, 間瀬憲一, "ボトルネックリンク速度推定ツールの提案と精度検証," 電子情報通信学会論文誌(「インターネットアーキテクチャー技術」特集号), vol. J87-B, no. 10, pp. 1636-1647, 2004.
    50. K. Nakamura and S. Shioda, "Statistical multiplexing of regulated sources having deterministic subadditive envelopes," Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan, vol. 47, no. 4, pp. 359-378, 2004.
    51. S. Shioda and D. Ishii, "Semi-parametric effective-bandwidth estimator based on buffer measurements," IEICE Trans. Commun, vol. E87-B, no. 12, pp. 3627-3636, 2004.
    52. S. Shioda, "Departure process of the MAP/SM/1/Queue," Queueing Systems, vol. 44, no. 3, pp. 31-50, 2003.
    53. 塩田茂雄, 佐藤大輔, 山本尚生, "品質保証型帯域共有サービスの導入効果−経済的フィージビリティ−の検証," 日本オペレーションズリサーチ学会論文誌, vol. 46, no. 3, pp. 372-393, 2003.
    54. S. Shioda, "Worst case performance of ATM multiplexer with GCRA-conforming arrival processes", Journal of the Operation Research Society of Japan, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 43-58, 1998.
    55. S. Shioda, "Self-sizing network -- algorithmic aspects", International Journal of Communication Systems , Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 43-58, 1998.
    56. 斎藤洋, 塩田茂雄, 川村宜伯, "ベイズ性能推定法のVP容量制御への適用方法," 日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会論文誌, vol. 40, no. 4, pp.509-520, 1997.
    57. S. Shioda and H. Saito, "Connection admission control guaranteeing negotiated cell-loss ratio of cell streams passing through usage parameter control," IEICE Transactions on Communications, Vol. E80-B, No. 3, pp. 399‐411, 1997.
    58. S. Shioda and H. Saito, "Cell-loss ratio analysis with insufficient knowledge of traffic characteristics," Journal of the Operation Research Society of Japan, Vol. 40, No. 1, pp. 140-158, 1997.
    59. S. Shioda, H. Yokoi, and H. Saito, "Sizing and provisioning for physical and virtual path networks using self-sizing capability," IEICE Transactions on Communications, vol. E80-B, no. 2, pp. 252-262, 1997.
    60. M. Logothetis and S. Shioda, "Medium-term centralized virtual-path bandwidth control based on traffic measurements," IEEE Transactions on Communications, Vol. 43, No. 10, pp. 2630-2640, 1995.
    61. S. Shioda, "Routing domain definition in multiclass-of-service networks," IEICE Transactions on Communications, Vol. E78-B, No. 6, pp. 883-895, 1995.
    62. H. Yokoi, S. Shioda, and H. Saito, "Performance evaluation of routing schemes in B-ISDN," IEICE Transactions on Communications, Vol. E78-B, No. 4, pp. 514-522, 1995.
    63. S. Shioda, "Evaluating the performance of virtual path bandwidth control in ATM networks," IEICE Transactions on Communications, Vol. E77-B, No. 10, pp. 1175-1187, 1994.
    64. M. Logothetis and S. Shioda, "Centralized virtual-path bandwidth allocation scheme for ATM networks," IEICE Transactions on Communications, Vol. E75-B, No. 10, pp. 1071-1080, 1992.
    65. 塩田 茂雄, 魚瀬尚郎, "ATM網におけるバーチャルパス容量制御方式," 電子情報通信学会論文誌, vol. J75-B-I, no. 5, pp. 333-342, 1992.
    66. S. Shioda and H. Uose, "Virtual path bandwidth control method for ATM networks: successive modification method," IEICE Transactions on Communications, vol. E74, no. 12, pp. 4061-4068, 1991.
    67. S. Shioda, Y. Takahashi, and T. Moriya, "Magnetic field effects on the specific heat of nearly ferromagnetic metals: Shigeo Shioda, Yoshinori Takahashi, Toru Moriya," Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, vol. 57, no. 9, pp. 3146-3156, 1988.

  • 国際会議(査読あり)
    1. S. Shioda, "Analytical framework for examining bistability of CSMA/CA-based wireless local area networks," The 2023 IEEE 98th Vehicular Technology Conference (IEEE VTC2023-Fall), 2023.
    2. Y. Ichimura, T. Hirai, and S. Shioda, "Modeling and performance analysis of slotted ALOHA with interference cancellation for mMTC," The 26th International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems (ACM MSWiM 2023), 2023. (Best Paper Award 受賞).
    3. Y. Ichimura, T. Hirai, and S. Shioda, "Performance analysis of NOMA-based slotted ALOHA for massive machine type communications," IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids (SmartGridComm), 2023.
    4. K. Odashima, K. Takehara, and S. Shioda, "Uniqueness of consensus of gosship-based consensus algorithm," 2023 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications (NOLTA 2023), 2023.
    5. K. Takahashi and S. Shioda, "Distributed congestion control method for sending safety messages to vehicles at a set target distance," the 26th Conference on Innovation in Clouds, Internet and Networks and Workshops (ICIN) 2023.
    6. S. Shioda and T. Konishi, "Quantifying Matthew effect of Twitter," The 9th International Conference on Social Networks Analysis, Management and Security (SNAMS 2022), 2022. (Best Paper Award 受賞).
    7. S. Shioda and K. Takehara, "Ergodicity of time reversal process of stochastic consensus formation and its application," ACM SIGMETRICS Workshop on Mathematical Performance Modeling and Analysis (MAMA), 2022.
    8. S. Shioda, "Inequalities between time and customer averages for GI/G/c/K queues," 13th IEEE/IET International Sympozium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing (CSNDSP), 2022.
    9. S. Shiraki, A. Suzuki, T. Uehara, Y/ Ohashi, and S. Shioda, "Indoor pedestrian docalization methods using contact information from bluetooth low energy beacons between smartphones," VTC2022-Spring, 2022.
    10. S. Shiraki and S. Shioda, "Target counting using binary sensors based on disjoint connected subgraphs," Wireless Days, 2021.
    11. S. Shiraki, Y. Ohashi, T. Uehara, and S. Shioda, "Experimental Verification of Proximity-based Localization using Motion Sensors Date of Evaluation," 2020 International Conference on Emerging Technologies for Communications (ICETC2020), 2020.
    12. S. Shioda and K. Nakajima, "Existence of Twitter users with untraceable retweet paths and its implication," International Conference on Social Networks Analysis, Management and Security (SNAMS-2020), 2020.
    13. S. Shioda, "Distribution of consensus in a broadcast-based consensus-forming algorithm," IFIP WG 7.3 Performance, 2020.
    14. S. Shiraki, Y. Ohashi, and S. Shioda, "Data-correlation-based sensor localization for environment sensing with non-geotagged data," IEEE VTC2020-Fall, 2020.
    15. K. Takahashi, Y. Konuma, S. Shioda, T. Hirai, and, T. Murase, "Closed-form expressions of performance metrics of V2X safety communication in urban scenarios," IEEE VTC2020-Fall, 2020.
    16. Shigeo Shioda and Yuto Ohashi, "Environment sensing based on non-geotagged sensor data," IEEE International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC 2020), 2020.
    17. Shigeo Shioda and Masato Minamikawa, "Analysis of information spread on SNSs based on strong correlation assumption," IEEE International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC 2020), 2020.
    18. Shigeo Shioda and Daiki Tsubotani, "Bistable behavior of IEEE 802.11 distributed coordination function," The 22nd International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications, (WPMC 2019), 2019. (Best Paper Award 受賞).
    19. Shigeo Shioda and Masato Minamikawa, "Features found in Twitter data and examination of retweeting behavior," The International Workshop on Sentiment Analysis and Mining of Social Networks (SAMSN 2019), 2019.
    20. Shigeo Shioda and Keisuke Nakajima, "Information spread across social network services with users' information indifference behavior," 11th Computer Science and Electronic Engineering Conference, 2019.
    21. T. Sakakibara, S. Shioda, and T. Murase, "Approximation on throughput evaluation on relay function in cooperative multiple robots system," ACM IMCOM 2018 (12th International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication), 2018.
    22. T. Sakakibara, S. Shioda, and T. Murase, "Performance evaluation on relay function of cooperative link aggregation sustem in multiple robots," IEEE GCCE (Global Conference on Consumer Electronics), 2017.
    23. S. Shioda, "Low-Degree-Preferential Random Walk for Information Search," IEEE ICC2017 Workshop (5th IEEE International Workshop on Smart Communication Protocols and Algorithms), 2017.
    24. S. Shioda, "Localizing Sensors from their Responses to Targets," IEICE Information and Communication Technology Forum 2016, 2016 (keynote speech).
    25. M. Kusaka and S. Shioda, "Efficient ray tracing algorithm with the avoidance of duplicate image generation," APCC, 2015.
    26. X. Li, Y. Narita, Y. Gotoh, S. Shioda, N. Komuro, H. Sekiya S. Sakata, K. Miyoshi, and T. Murase, "Light-weight performance analysis of Wi-Fi offload using mean-field approximation," APCC, 2015.
    27. S. Shioda, J. Komatsu, and K. Nishihara, "Connectivity-based sensor localization for anisotropic networks by stress relaxation," IEEE VTC Fall, 2015.
    28. S. Shioda, "Target counting using binary proximity sensors via cluster identification," IEEE ICC, 2015.
    29. H. M. Bui, K. Sanasa, N. Komuro, S. Shioda, S. Sakata, K. Miyoshi, T. Murase, H. Sekiya, "Throughput Analysis of Wireless Networks with Tethering Function," IEEE WCNC workshop, 2015.
    30. S. Shioda, "Target Counting with Binary Proximity Sensors Based on Sensor-Cluster Identification," IEEE MASS, 2014.
    31. S. Shioda, "Random-Walk-Based Biased Sampling for Data Collection on Communication Networks," IFIP WG7.3 Performance, 2014.
    32. S. Shioda, "Unbiased Estimation Based on Biased Sampled Data of Communication Networksg," IEEE AINA, 2014.
    33. S. Shioda and K. Shimamura, "Relative Localization of Sensors Based on Their Responses to Moving Objects," IEEE MASS, 2013.
    34. S. Shioda and K. Shimamura, "Cooperative Localization Revisited: Error Bound, Scaling, and Convergence," ACM MSWiM'13, 2013.
    35. S. Shioda and K. Shimamura, "Anchor-free localization: estimation of relative locations of sensors," IEEE PIMRC, 2013.
    36. J. Komatsu, S. Sakata, N. Komuro, T. Murase, S. Shioda, "Relay access point congestion control scheme using buffer control for wireless LAN mesh networks," IEEE WPMC 2013.
    37. C. Huang and S. Shioda, "Analytical Model for IEEE 802.11e EDCA with Non-Saturated Stations," IEEE IWCMC (International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference), 2013.
    38. C. Huang and S. Shioda, "Detailed Analysis for IEEE 802.11e EDCA in Non-Saturated Conditions - Frame-Transmission-Cycle Approach -," WiOpt 2013 Workshop (International Workshop on Resource Allocation, Cooperation and Competition in Wireless Networks), 2013.
    39. S. Shioda, "Inner-Distance Measurement and Shape Recognition of Target Object Using Networked Binary Sensors," The Ninth International Workshop on Heterogeneous Wireless Networks (IEEE HWISE 2013), 2013.
    40. S. Shioda and T. Hayashi, "Inner-distance-based shape recognition of target object using binary sensors," IEEE ICPADS, 2012.
    41. K. Hayashi, S. Shioda, N. Komuro, S. Sakata, and T. Murase, "Adaptive pushout: a buffer management scheme to improve TCP fairness in wireless LANs," IEEE VTC2012-Spring, 2012.
    42. K. Watanabe, N. Komuro, S. Sakata, S. Shioda, T. Murase, "Receiving-opportunity control-employed QoS guarantee scheme in DCF and EDCA stations coexisting WLAN," IEEE CCNC 2012.
    43. S. Shioda, "Connectivity of vehicular ad hoc networks in downtown scenarios," ADHOCNETS 2011 (Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, vol. 89, pp 177-192, 2012).
    44. S. Shioda, M. Yoshihara, A. Izumi, and Y. Tachikawa, "Markov property of correlated random networks and its application to the analysis of the Internet topologies," ITC workshop CNET 2011.
    45. S. Shioda and P. Hieungmany, "Random walk search on concatenated hop-limited trees embedded into unstructured P2Ps," Sixth International Conference on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing (3PGCIC 2011).
    46. T. Takase, N. Komuro, S. Sakata, S. Shioda, and T. Murase, "QoS Control for Wireless LAN using Receiving Opportunity Control based on Token Bucket Filter," IEEE CCNC2011.
    47. P. Hieungmany and S. Shioda, "Characteristics of Random Walk Search on Embedded Tree Structure for Unstructured P2Ps," The 2nd International Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Networking, 2010.
    48. Y. Harada, M. Komatsu, T. Nakamura, S. Shioda, S. Sakata, and T. Murase, "Cross-layer approach for supporting QoS in IEEE802.11 DCF wireless LANs," ACM Symposium on QoS and Security for Wireless and Mobile Networks (ACM Q2SWinet 2010).
    49. S. Shioda, H. Iijima, T. Nakamura, S. Sakata, Y. Hirano, and T. Murase, "ACK pushout to achieve TCP fairness under the existence of bandwidth asymmetry," ACM International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems (ACM MSWiM 2010) Poster Session, ACM PM2HW2N 2010.
    50. Hiroshi Saito, Sadaharu Tanaka, and Shigeo Shioda, "Estimating parameters of non-convex target object using networked binary sensors," 2010 IEEE International Conference on Sensor Networks, Ubiquitous, and Trustworthy Computing (IEEE SUTC 2010).
    51. A. Takahashi, N. Komuro, S. Sakata, S. Shioda, and T. Murase, "Receiving opportunity control used admission control scheme for multi-hop network", International Conference on Computer & Communication Engineering 2010 (ICCCE 2010).
    52. P. Hieungmany and S. Shioda, "A routing mechanism for unstructured peer-to-peer systems based on hop-limited shortest-path trees," Asian Internet Engineering Conference (AINTEC) 2009.
    53. S. Shioda, "A theoretical approach to parameter value selection of probabilistic packet marking for IP traceback," Asian Internet Engineering Conference (AINTEC) 2009.
    54. M. Komatsu and S. Shioda, "A cross-layer analysis for evaluating the voice conversation performance over wireless LANs," IEEE PIMRC, 2009.
    55. H. Saito, Y. Arakawa, K. Tano, J. Harada, and S. Shioda, "Experiments on binary sensor networks for estimation of target perimeter and size," IEEE SECON, 2009.
    56. H. Saito, S. Shimogawa, S. Shioda, and J. Harada, "Shape Estimation Using Networked Binary Sensors," IEEE INFOCOM Mini-Conference, 2009.
    57. H. Saito, S. Shioda, and J. Harada, "Shape and size estimation using stochastically deployed networked sensors," IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC2008), 2008.
    58. S. Shioda, J. Harada, Y. Watanabe, T. Goi, H. Okada, and K. Mase, "Fundamental characteristics of connectivity in vehicular Ad Hoc networks," IEEE PIMRC, 2008.
    59. Shigeo Shioda, "Scale-free networks from threshold model with two intrinsic node variables," International Workshop & Conference on Network Science (NetSci 2008), 2008.
    60. Junko Harada, Shigeo Shioda and Hiroshi Saito, "Path coverage property of randomly deployed sensor networks with finite communication ranges," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC2008), 2008.
    61. Shigeo Shioda and Shu Namiki, "Fundamental studies on ultra-high-speed optical LAN using optical circuit switching," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC2008), 2008.
    62. Tutomu Murase, Yumi Hirano, Shigeo Shioda, and Shiro Sakata, "Proposal on wireless LAN MAC frame control in receive opportunity for flow QoS," IEEE Communication Quality and Reliability Workshop 2008.
    63. Shigeo Shioda and Kazuhiro Nakamura, "Scale-free property of directed networks with two intrinsic node weights," IEEE Global Telecommunication Conference (Globecom) 2007.
    64. Kenji Ohtsuka, Shigeo Shioda, and Fumiaki Machihara, "A finite population model and product-form approximation for cellular mobile systems with traveling users," IEEE Global Telecommunication Conference (Globecom) 2007.
    65. Shigeo Shioda, "A scale-free network model with two intrinsic node weights," IEEE TENCON 2007.
    66. Kenji Ohtsuka, Takehiro Satoh, and Shigeo Shioda, "An efficient technique for message flooding based on partial shortest-path trees in wired networks," IEEE ICC 2007.
    67. Sadayoshi Itoh, Kousuke Uchiyama, and Shigeo Shioda, "Fixed-period packet sampling and its application to flow rate estimation," IEEE ICC 2007.
    68. Shigeo Shioda, "New packet sampling technique for robust flow measurements," IEEE Communication Quality and Reliability Workshop 2007.
    69. S. Shioda and Hui Jing Wang, "A Comparative Study on Different Probabilistic Packet Marking Schemes for IP Traceback," IEEE TENCON 2006, SC2.4.
    70. S. Shioda, "Performance bound analysis if a single-server queue based on interval-wise traffic data," IADIS WWW/Internet 2006 Conference, pp. 529-536.
    71. K. Ohtsuka, T. Satoh, S. Shioda, "An efficient message flooding using partial shortest-path trees in wired networks," IADIS WWW/Internet 2006 Conference, pp. 521-528.
    72. S. Shioda and Hui Jing Wang, "Modelling and performance analysis of probabilistic packet marking schemes for IP traceback," IADIS WWW/Internet 2006 Conference, pp. 339-344.
    73. Shigeo Shioda and Kiwamu Nakamura, "A measurement-free admission control for the IP telephony service over Diffserv-based networks," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 2005.
    74. Shigeo Shioda, Takahiro Yagi, and Kenichi Mase, "A new approach to the bottleneck bandwidth measurement for an end-to-end network path," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 2005.
    75. Shigeo Shioda and Kazuya Ohtani, "Estimating the source-destination traffic matrix of a VPN from access-link loads," International Conference on Telecommunication Systems - Modeling and Analysis (ICTSM), 2005.
    76. Shigeo Shioda and Kazuya Ohtani, "Proposals on the source-destination traffic matrix estimation for IP-based VPNs," IEEE Global Telecommunication Conference (Globecom), 2005.
    77. Shigeo Shioda and Kenichi Mase, "Performance comparison between IntServ-based and DiffServ-based networks," IEEE Global Telecommunication Conference (Globecom), 2005.
    78. Shigeo Shioda and Kenichi Mase, "A new approach to bandwidth requirement estimation and its accuracy verification," IEEE International Conference on Communications 2004 (ICC 2004), 2004.
    79. Shigeo Shioda and Daisuke Ishii, "A bandwidth requirement estimator for superposition of sources based on buffer measurements," IEEE International Conference on Networking, pp. 822-829, 2004.
    80. Shigeo Shioda, Daisuke Satoh, and Takeo Kawahara, "Estimating source-destination traffic matrix of a virtual private network," IEEE and IEICE International Workshop on Communication Quality and Reliability (CQR), 2002.
    81. Shigeo Shioda, Daisuke Satoh, and Hisao Yamamoto, "Economic feasibility of bandwidth sharing services with QoS guarantees" the 11th INFORMS Applied Probability Conference, TB06-1, 2001.
    82. Daisuke Satoh and Shigeo Shioda, "Measurement of the large deviation rate function," the 11th INFORMS Applied Probability Conference, TD05-5, 2001.
    83. Shigeo Shioda, Hiroshi Toyoizumi, Hirofumi Yokoi, Hiroshi Saito, "Self-sizing network: a new network concept based on autonomous VP bandwidth adjustment," ITC15, 1997.
    84. Shigeo Shioda and Hiroshi Saito, "Real-time cell loss ratio estimation and its applications to ATM traffic controls," IEEE INFOCOM, 1997.
    85. Shigeo Shioda, Hiroshi Saito, Shinichi Nakagawa, Yuka Kato, "Planning and provisioning for ATM networks with dynamical VP bandwidth allocation," Networks, 1996.
    86. Shigeo Shioda and Hiroshi Saito, "Satisfying QoS standard with combined strategy for CAC and UPC," IEEE ICC, 1995.
    87. M. Logothetis, S. Shioda, and G. Kokkinakis, "Optimal virtual path bandwidth management assuring network reliability," IEEE ICC, 1993.
    88. H. Uose, S. Shioda, H. Horigome, and H. Yamamoto, "Design and control aspects of ATM transit networks," IEEE NOMS, 1992.
    89. K. Mase and S. Shioda, "Real-time network management for ATM networks," ITC13, 1991.
    90. H. Uose, S. Shioda, and K. Mase, "Fast cell loss ratio evaluation method and their application to ATM network control," ITC Specialist Seminar, 1990.

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